Brookwood Citizen Artisans

Our Residential and Day Citizens work in our Brookwood Enterprises; these include Horticulture, Ceramics, Stone Casting, Packaging, Specialty Shop, Soap Making, Shipping and Receiving, Cafe, and Retail. Transportation is provided for those who do not live at Brookwood and come from Houston and the surrounding areas. The abilities, interests, and the unique gifts of each Citizen are considered when determining the best Enterprise for them to genuinely contribute and find purpose in life.

Citizens in Ceramics take a block of clay and turn it into amazing products. They are responsible for painting, glazing, or staining a variety of products, such as ornaments, plates, cups and platters, using stencils, sponges, or free-hand style. After each piece is painted, it is dipped in glaze and fired overnight in a kiln. Upon completion, the Citizens tag and price each piece.

Citizens in Stone Casting mix and pour tuff-stone mixture into the molds. Each piece takes about 15-30 minutes to set. The Citizens then remove the pieces from the molds and place them in the sanding area to be sanded. Once sanded, they are placed in the drying room. When the piece is dry, it is ready to be stained, painted, or glazed.

Citizens receive creative support to learn skills in our Specialty Shop whose motto is “Believe to Achieve”. This program focuses on skills that will build skills toward work in a variety of enterprises.

The Finishing Shop is an extension of the Ceramics Shop. Citizens in this shop cut and string ribbon, apply embellishments, and attach Brookwood labels and price tags to complete the final stages of production prior to sending products to the shipping warehouse.

Citizens in this shop label and package our salad dressing, food items, dog treats, and other special products that are sold in our store.  They are an important part of packaging our custom-made corporate gifts.

In our Screen-Printing shop, Citizens, with the support of our Community Member (staff) design experts, design variety of cards. These cards are hand-printed in the shop, then folded and packaged by Citizens.

Also, under the guidance of our Community Member artists, Citizen’s design and paint a variety of cards. The cards are printed, then folded and packaged by Citizens.

The Citizens in Horticulture grow approximately 210,000 plants a year including 48,000 poinsettias in 48 greenhouses!

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